Real Foundation and Re-foundation
9-janury1864 and 9-janury 2014
The Real Founder of Scientific Society
Syed Ahmed Khan
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-1898) was a great visionary, statesman
and Muslim reformer of the 19th century, the like of whom is rare. He wanted to
make the community and country progressive and take them forward on modern
lines. His supreme interest was intellectual development of the people through
modern education. He was the first Indian Muslim to contribute to the
intellectual and institutional foundation of Muslim modernization in Southern
Asia. Interest of community and country was dearer to him rather than anything
else. He was successful in making the Muslims understand the importance of
modern education and endeavour their best to achieve it in order to stand on
their own legs and live a dignified life in accordance with Islamic thoughts.
Real Foundation of Scientific Society
The supreme
interest of Sir Syed’s life was education in its widest sense. He wanted to
create a scientific temperament among the Muslims of India and to make the
modern knowledge of Science available to them. He championed the cause of
modern education at a time. He began establishing schools, at Muradabad in 1858
and Ghazipur in 1863. A more ambitious undertaking was the foundation of the Scientific
Society in 1864. The Scientific Society established at Ghazipur on 9th
January, 1864 and later shifted to Aligarh when Sir Syed was transferred to
Aligarh. This became a focal point of his dream project which later shaped up
as The Aligarh Movement.
On 9th
January, 1864 Scientific Society was founded at the residence
of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in Ghazipur. The key element of his dream movement, social
collaboration was intact and a large number of his Indians and British friends
were present on the occasion. The welcome address was delivered by Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan and the requested Mr. G.F.I. Graham, Assistant Superintendent of
Police, Ghazipur to make introductory remarks. In his introductory remarks Mr.
Graham emphasized the need of the society and passionately appealed everyone to
support the newly formed Scientific Society. He proposed the name of Mr. B.
Spate, District Collector of Ghazipur to preside over the meeting. In the
meeting, Sir Syed presented the by-laws of the society which was unanimously
approved by the attendees. Sir Syed announced the name of 109 people who had
accepted the membership of the newly formed society. It’s worth mentioning here
that the concept of Society was accepted by everyone irrespective of religion
and color and creed. Out of 109, 28 members were British, 34 Hindus and 47 were
Muslims. Elections were held for Directing Council, Executive Council and other
office bearers. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Mr. G.F.I. Graham were elected as
Secretaries of the newly established Scientific Society. Mr.B. Spate delivered
the presidential address and the meeting was ended with vote of thanks.
150 years ago when Sir Syed founded a Scientific society in Ghazi pur at that time its Actual name was “Scientific Society”’ According to the Original Registered BYE Laws of society, and that BYE-LAWS were Registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 at that time. Actually this society was working in Ghazipur so Society was called by this name Generally “Scientific Society Ghazipur”..After 1 year it was shifted in Aligarh so society was called with this name “Scientific society Aligarh”
Re-Foundation of Scientific Society
Today on 9-January-2014 after 150 years we are re-founding this “Scientific Society “again in Pakistan on the real basis, Real Vision and on Real Mission of Sir Syed Ahmed khan, to reborn the same passion in the Muslims of Pakistan & to Re-take & restart the same Initiatives of Sir syed Ahmed Khan in Pakistan.This Society is Registering again with same name ,with original bye-laws, with Similar Objects, Under the Same Societies Registration Act 1860, On Same day at 9-JANURY-2014 But after 150 years & only Sir-Syed Ahmed Khan is the Real Founder of this Scientific Society also.
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